By default, ConnectKit surfaces the most popular chains to your users. If you'd like, you can include more networks like Base, Zora, and others.
ConnectKit uses wagmi internally, meaning all the various chains from wagmi are available. All you need to do is provide the chains in your config.
First, make sure to import your preferred chains from wagmi:
import { mainnet, base, zora } from "wagmi/chains";
Then simply include the chains in your config. Make sure to include your own RPC Providers for the various chains you want to support.
Below is an example of an app supporting multiple chains using ConnectKit:
import { mainnet, base, zora } from "wagmi/chains";import { WagmiProvider, createConfig, http } from "wagmi";import { getDefaultConfig } from "connectkit";// Choose which chains you'd like to showconst chains = [mainnet, base, zora];const config = createConfig(getDefaultConfig({chains,transports: {[]: http(mainnet.rpcUrls.default.http[0]), // or your own RPC url[]: http(base.rpcUrls.default.http[0]), // or your own RPC url[]: http(zora.rpcUrls.default.http[0]), // or your own RPC url},...}),);<WagmiProvider config={config}>...</WagmiProvider>
And that's it—users can now choose to connect to any of the networks listed in the chains array.
Chains & Networks
In the example above, we used three different chains. In the table below you'll find a more extensive list of chains you can add to ConnectKit (which wagmi supports out of the box):
Icon | ID | Chain | Symbol | Name |
1 | mainnet | ETH | Ether | |
5 | goerli | ETH | Goerli Ether | |
7 | thaiChain | TCH | TCH | |
10 | optimism | ETH | Ether | |
14 | flare | FLR | flare | |
16 | songbirdTestnet | CFLR | costonflare | |
19 | songbird | SGB | songbird | |
25 | cronos | CRO | Cronos | |
30 | rootstock | RBTC | Rootstock Bitcoin | |
31 | rootstockTestnet | tRBTC | Rootstock Bitcoin | |
40 | telos | TLOS | Telos | |
41 | telosTestnet | TLOS | Telos | |
42 | lukso | LYX | LUKSO | |
46 | darwinia | RING | RING | |
50 | xdc | XDC | XDC | |
51 | xdcTestnet | TXDC | TXDC | |
56 | bsc | BNB | BNB | |
57 | syscoin | SYS | Syscoin | |
61 | classic | ETC | ETC | |
66 | okc | OKT | OKT | |
71 | confluxESpaceTestnet | CFX | Conflux | |
82 | meter | MTR | MTR | |
83 | meterTestnet | MTR | MTR | |
96 | bitkub | KUB | Bitkub | |
97 | bscTestnet | tBNB | BNB | |
100 | gnosis | xDAI | Gnosis | |
109 | shibarium | BONE | Bone | |
114 | flareTestnet | C2FLR | coston2flare | |
122 | fuse | FUSE | Fuse | |
123 | fuseSparknet | SPARK | Spark | |
137 | polygon | MATIC | MATIC | |
148 | shimmer | SMR | Shimmer | |
169 | manta | ETH | ETH | |
195 | x1Testnet | OKB | OKB | |
195 | xLayerTestnet | OKB | OKB | |
196 | xLayer | OKB | OKB | |
199 | bitTorrent | BTT | BitTorrent | |
202 | edgelessTestnet | EwETH | Edgeless Wrapped ETH | |
204 | opBNB | BNB | BNB | |
240 | nexilix | NEXILIX | Nexilix | |
242 | plinga | PLINGA | Plinga | |
248 | oasys | OAS | Oasys | |
250 | fantom | FTM | Fantom | |
252 | fraxtal | frxETH | Frax Ether | |
255 | kroma | ETH | ETH | |
260 | zkSyncInMemoryNode | ETH | Ether | |
270 | zkSyncLocalNode | ETH | Ether | |
280 | zkSyncTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
288 | boba | ETH | Ether | |
295 | hedera | HBAR | HBAR | |
296 | hederaTestnet | HBAR | HBAR | |
297 | hederaPreviewnet | HBAR | HBAR | |
300 | zkSyncSepoliaTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
314 | filecoin | FIL | filecoin | |
321 | kcc | KCS | KCS | |
324 | zkSync | ETH | Ether | |
338 | cronosTestnet | tCRO | CRO | |
369 | pulsechain | PLS | Pulse | |
420 | optimismGoerli | ETH | Goerli Ether | |
424 | pgn | ETH | Ether | |
462 | areonNetworkTestnet | TAREA | TAREA | |
463 | areonNetwork | AREA | AREA | |
545 | flowTestnet | FLOW | Flow | |
570 | rollux | SYS | Syscoin | |
571 | metachain | MTC | Metatime Coin | |
592 | astar | ASTR | Astar | |
595 | mandala | mACA | Mandala | |
599 | metisGoerli | METIS | Metis Goerli | |
646 | flowPreviewnet | FLOW | Flow | |
686 | karura | KAR | Karura | |
690 | redstone | ETH | Ether | |
721 | lycan | LYC | Lycan | |
747 | flowMainnet | FLOW | Flow | |
787 | acala | ACA | Acala | |
841 | taraxa | TARA | Tara | |
842 | taraxaTestnet | TARA | Tara | |
888 | wanchain | WAN | WANCHAIN | |
919 | modeTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
943 | pulsechainV4 | v4PLS | V4 Pulse | |
997 | thunderTestnet | 5IRE | 5ire Token | |
999 | wanchainTestnet | WANt | WANCHAIN | |
999 | zoraTestnet | ETH | Zora Goerli | |
1001 | klaytnBaobab | KLAY | Baobab Klaytn | |
1004 | ektaTestnet | EKTA | EKTA | |
1017 | bscGreenfield | BNB | BNB | |
1028 | bitTorrentTestnet | BTT | BitTorrent | |
1030 | confluxESpace | CFX | Conflux | |
1038 | bronosTestnet | tBRO | Bronos Coin | |
1039 | bronos | BRO | BRO | |
1073 | shimmerTestnet | SMR | Shimmer | |
1088 | metis | METIS | Metis | |
1101 | polygonZkEvm | ETH | Ether | |
1111 | wemix | WEMIX | WEMIX | |
1112 | wemixTestnet | tWEMIX | WEMIX | |
1116 | coreDao | CORE | Core | |
1130 | defichainEvm | DFI | DeFiChain | |
1131 | defichainEvmTestnet | DFI | DeFiChain | |
1135 | lisk | ETH | Ether | |
1281 | moonbeamDev | DEV | DEV | |
1284 | moonbeam | GLMR | GLMR | |
1285 | moonriver | MOVR | MOVR | |
1287 | moonbaseAlpha | DEV | DEV | |
1329 | sei | SEI | Sei | |
1337 | localhost | ETH | Ether | |
1442 | polygonZkEvmTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
1453 | metachainIstanbul | MTC | Metatime Coin | |
1559 | tenet | TENET | TENET | |
1663 | gobi | tZEN | Test ZEN | |
1686 | mintSepoliaTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
1729 | reyaNetwork | ETH | Ether | |
1750 | metalL2 | ETH | Ether | |
1890 | lightlinkPhoenix | ETH | Ether | |
1891 | lightlinkPegasus | ETH | Ether | |
1994 | ekta | EKTA | EKTA | |
2000 | dogechain | DC | Dogechain | |
2017 | telcoinTestnet | TEL | Telcoin | |
2020 | ronin | RON | RON | |
2021 | edgeware | EDG | Edgeware | |
2021 | saigon | RON | RON | |
2022 | edgewareTestnet | tEDG | Testnet EDG | |
2026 | edgeless | EwETH | Edgeless Wrapped ETH | |
2221 | kavaTestnet | KAVA | Kava | |
2222 | kava | KAVA | Kava | |
2331 | rss3Sepolia | RSS3 | RSS3 | |
2358 | kromaSepolia | ETH | Sepolia Ether | |
2442 | polygonZkEvmCardona | ETH | Ether | |
2522 | fraxtalTestnet | frxETH | Frax Ether | |
2525 | inEVM | INJ | Injective | |
2710 | morphSepolia | ETH | Ether | |
3109 | satoshiVM | BTC | BTC | |
3110 | satoshiVMTestnet | BTC | BTC | |
3141 | filecoinHyperspace | tFIL | testnet filecoin | |
3737 | crossbell | CSB | CSB | |
3776 | astarZkEVM | ETH | Ether | |
3993 | apexTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
4002 | fantomTestnet | FTM | Fantom | |
4090 | oasisTestnet | FTN | Fasttoken | |
4200 | merlin | BTC | BTC | |
4201 | luksoTestnet | LYXt | LUKSO Testnet | |
4202 | liskSepolia | ETH | Sepolia Ether | |
4242 | nexi | NEXI | Nexi | |
4337 | beam | BEAM | Beam | |
4689 | iotex | IOTX | IoTeX | |
4690 | iotexTestnet | IOTX | IoTeX | |
4759 | mevTestnet | MEV | MEVerse | |
4777 | bxnTestnet | TBXN | BlackFort Testnet Token | |
4999 | bxn | BXN | BlackFort Token | |
5000 | mantle | MNT | MNT | |
5001 | mantleTestnet | MNT | MNT | |
5003 | mantleSepoliaTestnet | MNT | MNT | |
5165 | bahamut | FTN | Fasttoken | |
5611 | opBNBTestnet | tBNB | tBNB | |
5700 | syscoinTestnet | SYS | Syscoin | |
7000 | zetachain | ZETA | Zeta | |
7001 | zetachainAthensTestnet | aZETA | Zeta | |
7332 | eon | ZEN | ZEN | |
7518 | mev | MEV | MEVerse | |
7560 | cyber | ETH | Ether | |
7700 | canto | CANTO | Canto | |
8082 | shardeumSphinx | SHM | SHARDEUM | |
8217 | klaytn | KLAY | Klaytn | |
8453 | base | ETH | Ether | |
8899 | jbc | JBC | JBC | |
9000 | evmosTestnet | EVMOS | Evmos | |
9001 | evmos | EVMOS | Evmos | |
9700 | oortMainnetDev | OORT | OORT | |
10200 | gnosisChiado | xDAI | Gnosis | |
11235 | haqqMainnet | ISLM | Islamic Coin | |
11501 | bevmMainnet | BTC | Bitcoin | |
12306 | fibo | FIBO | fibo | |
12324 | l3x | ETH | Ether | |
12325 | l3xTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
12553 | rss3 | RSS3 | RSS3 | |
13337 | beamTestnet | BEAM | Beam | |
13371 | immutableZkEvm | IMX | Immutable Coin | |
13381 | phoenix | PHX | Phoenix | |
13473 | immutableZkEvmTestnet | IMX | Immutable Coin | |
15557 | eosTestnet | EOS | EOS | |
17000 | holesky | ETH | Holesky Ether | |
17777 | eos | EOS | EOS | |
22222 | nautilus | ZBC | ZBC | |
23294 | sapphire | ROSE | Sapphire Rose | |
23295 | sapphireTestnet | TEST | Sapphire Test Rose | |
23451 | dreyerxMainnet | DRX | DreyerX | |
25925 | bitkubTestnet | tKUB | Bitkub Test | |
31337 | anvil | ETH | Ether | |
31337 | foundry | ETH | Ether | |
31337 | hardhat | ETH | Ether | |
32769 | zilliqa | ZIL | Zilliqa | |
33101 | zilliqaTestnet | ZIL | Zilliqa | |
34443 | mode | ETH | Ether | |
35441 | qMainnet | Q | Q | |
35443 | qTestnet | Q | Q | |
42161 | arbitrum | ETH | Ether | |
42170 | arbitrumNova | ETH | Ether | |
42220 | celo | CELO | CELO | |
42766 | zkFair | USDC | USD Coin | |
43113 | avalancheFuji | AVAX | Avalanche Fuji | |
43114 | avalanche | AVAX | Avalanche | |
43851 | zkFairTestnet | USDC | USD Coin | |
44787 | celoAlfajores | A-CELO | CELO | |
50005 | yooldoVerse | OAS | OAS | |
50006 | yooldoVerseTestnet | OAS | OAS | |
53457 | dodochainTestnet | DODO | DODO | |
53935 | dfk | JEWEL | Jewel | |
54211 | haqqTestedge2 | ISLMT | Islamic Coin | |
57000 | rolluxTestnet | SYS | Syscoin | |
58008 | pgnTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
59140 | lineaGoerli | ETH | Linea Ether | |
59140 | lineaTestnet | ETH | Linea Ether | |
59141 | lineaSepolia | ETH | Linea Ether | |
59144 | linea | ETH | Linea Ether | |
60808 | bob | ETH | ETH | |
64240 | fantomSonicTestnet | FTM | Fantom | |
80001 | polygonMumbai | MATIC | MATIC | |
80002 | polygonAmoy | MATIC | MATIC | |
80085 | berachainTestnet | BERA | BERA Token | |
81457 | blast | ETH | Ether | |
84531 | baseGoerli | ETH | Goerli Ether | |
84532 | baseSepolia | ETH | Sepolia Ether | |
88882 | spicy | CHZ | CHZ | |
88888 | chiliz | CHZ | CHZ | |
88991 | jbcTestnet | tJBC | tJBC | |
100009 | vechain | VET | VeChain | |
105105 | stratis | STRAX | Stratis | |
128123 | etherlinkTestnet | XTZ | Tez | |
167000 | taiko | ETH | Ether | |
167005 | taikoTestnetSepolia | ETH | Ether | |
167007 | taikoJolnir | ETH | Ether | |
167008 | taikoKatla | ETH | Ether | |
167009 | taikoHekla | ETH | Ether | |
200810 | btrTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
200901 | btr | ETH | Ether | |
205205 | auroria | tSTRAX | Auroria Stratis | |
314159 | filecoinCalibration | tFIL | testnet filecoin | |
421613 | arbitrumGoerli | ETH | Arbitrum Goerli Ether | |
421614 | arbitrumSepolia | ETH | Arbitrum Sepolia Ether | |
534351 | scrollSepolia | ETH | Ether | |
534352 | scroll | ETH | Ether | |
641230 | bearNetworkChainMainnet | BRNKC | BearNetworkChain | |
713715 | seiDevnet | SEI | Sei | |
751230 | bearNetworkChainTestnet | tBRNKC | tBRNKC | |
1337803 | zhejiang | ZhejETH | Zhejiang Ether | |
1612127 | playfiAlbireo | ETH | Ether | |
3397901 | funkiSepolia | ETH | Ether | |
3441005 | mantaTestnet | ETH | ETH | |
3441006 | mantaSepoliaTestnet | ETH | ETH | |
6038361 | astarZkyoto | ETH | Ether | |
7777777 | zora | ETH | Ether | |
11155111 | sepolia | ETH | Sepolia Ether | |
11155420 | optimismSepolia | ETH | Sepolia Ether | |
28122024 | ancient8Sepolia | ETH | Ether | |
37084624 | skaleNebulaTestnet | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
41144114 | otimDevnet | ETH | ETH | |
111557560 | cyberTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
161221135 | plumeTestnet | ETH | Plume Sepolia Ether | |
168587773 | blastSepolia | ETH | Ether | |
245022926 | neonDevnet | NEON | NEON | |
245022934 | neonMainnet | NEON | NEON | |
278611351 | skaleRazor | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
391845894 | skaleBlockBrawlers | BRAWL | BRAWL | |
666666666 | degen | DEGEN | Degen | |
888888888 | ancient8 | ETH | Ether | |
974399131 | skaleCalypsoTestnet | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
999999999 | zoraSepolia | ETH | Zora Sepolia | |
1020352220 | skaleTitanTestnet | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1026062157 | skaleCryptoBlades | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1032942172 | skaleCryptoColosseum | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1273227453 | skaleHumanProtocol | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1313161554 | aurora | ETH | Ether | |
1313161555 | auroraTestnet | ETH | Ether | |
1350216234 | skaleTitan | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1444673419 | skaleEuropaTestnet | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1482601649 | skaleNebula | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1564830818 | skaleCalypso | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
1666600000 | harmonyOne | ONE | Harmony | |
2046399126 | skaleEuropa | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
2139927552 | skaleExorde | sFUEL | sFUEL | |
11297108099 | palmTestnet | PALM | PALM | |
11297108109 | palm | PALM | PALM | |
107107114116 | kakarotSepolia | ETH | Ether |
Custom Chains
For advanced use-cases, you may want to use a chain that wagmi does not explicitly support.
Start by creating a file called customChains.ts and add your custom chain:
import { type Chain } from "viem";export const avalanche: Chain = {id: 43_114,name: "Avalanche",nativeCurrency: {decimals: 18,name: "Avalanche",symbol: "AVAX",},rpcUrls: {default: { http: [""] },},blockExplorers: {default: { name: "SnowTrace", url: "" },snowtrace: { name: "SnowTrace", url: "" },},testnet: false,};
Then bring this chain over to your config, and include a transport for your chain:
import { ConnectKitProvider } from "connectkit";import { WagmiProvider, createConfig, http } from "wagmi";import { avalanche } from "./customChains";const config = createConfig(getDefaultConfig({...chains: [avalanche],transports: {// You may want to use a custom RPC url here[]: http(avalanche.rpcUrls.default)}...}),);export const Web3Provider = () => {return (<WagmiProvider config={config}>...</WagmiProvider>);};
That's it—ConnectKit will now surface your custom chain with your preferred RPC transport.
For more info, check out the wagmi docs which describes a similar scenario to the above example.